23 Following


Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Terry Brooks It explains some things left out of the movie. I enjoyed it but would probably read it before watching the movie
Take a Thief - Mercedes Lackey Totally enjoyed the coming of age story from one of my favorite thieves. Loved learning more about Skif and how he his world views were shaped.
The Red Plague Affair - Lilith Saintcrow interesting mix of steampunk and sorcery.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight - Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis I enjoy the novel every time I read it, even though it is somewhat like a D&D session. The various characters and personalities make it a great read.
Canticle - R.A. Salvatore I liked the story and found it quite interesting. You definitely can see the Dungeons and Dragons rules underneath but this does not distract from the story. I enjoyed the characters good and evil and their growth and interactions.
Some Girls Bite - Chloe Neill Interesting story and character. I enjoyed the world and how everyone interacted with each. Was surprised in the end. Nice lead into the next book

Wizards First Rule-24dp

WIZARDS FIRST RULE-24DP - Terry Goodkind It was Okay. Even though it kept my me somewhat entertained the writing was stilted and heavy handed. I skimmed some parts because of this.
The Eye of the World - Robert    Jordan Even though we'll written I find that it is always hard for me to finish this book. I find it slow and ponderous and have no reason it or read others in the same series. Probably stems from the characters which I am never invested in. I figure after reading 3 Times I will just give up on the series.
Skulduggery Pleasant - Derek Landy, Tom Percival Interesting characters and different world. Enjoyed it.
The Rover - Mel Odom Although making your own small race is somewhat a cliche Mel created a different one that keeps your interest. The likableness of Edgewick (Wick) Lamplighter is what I look for in a series. The best thing is how the character grows as the story moves along in a high adventure pace.
Magician: Apprentice - Raymond E. Feist Extremely enjoyable and kept my interest. A good adventure story